Feb 12, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalog 
2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Grading Policy

School of Health Professions - Grading Policy

This section specifies the general grading policies and procedures used by all of the health professions programs. In addition to the policies listed here, each program may have additional requirements communicated to students in writing at the initiation of their first semester. Grades at the end of each term are assigned according to the EVMS School of Health Professions grading scale.


A = 4.00

A- = 3.67

B+ = 3.33

B = 3.00

B- = 2.67

C+ = 2.33

C = 2.00

C- = 1.67

D+ = 1.33

D = 1.00

D- = 0.67

F = 0.00

Grades NOT Affecting GPA

AU = Audit

I = Incomplete

P = Pass

W = Official Withdrawal

WF = Unofficial Withdraw

A grading structure that is consistent with program or departmental guidelines will be established for each class by the instructor. These requirements, along with the goals and requirements for each course, the nature of the course content, and the methods of evaluation, are communicated to students at the initiation of each course. Programs are responsible for sending grade reports to students at the end of each term.

Grade Point Calculation

The grade point average is calculated by dividing the accumulated number of grade points earned by the accumulated number of credit hours attempted. Grades of “F” and repeats are included, but official withdrawals, audits, and grades on non-credit courses, non-degree credit courses, and pass/fail courses are not. If a student is required to repeat a course or receives permission from a program director to repeat a course, the grade point average will be calculated using only the repeated course grade and the corresponding point value. However, the original grade assigned for that course will remain on the transcript. Grades in courses accepted for transfer credit are not counted in the computation of grade point average.

Students must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.00 or higher for graduation. Students falling below the minimum GPA requirement may be required to enter a remediation program, placed on probation or suspended in accordance with procedures established below and by each program.

Grading Scale

Unless an exception is approved by the Dean, courses offered in the School of Health Professions will use the following grading scale.


100-94 = A

93-90 = A-

89-87 = B+

86-84 = B

83-80 = B-

79-77 = C+

76-74 = C

73-70 = C-

69-67 = D+

66-64 = D

63-60 = C-

59 or less = F

Incomplete Grades

The grade “I” indicates assigned work yet to be completed in a given course or an approved absence from the final examination. When an instructor assigns a grade of “I,” a written agreement is prepared and signed by the instructor and student that specifies the work remaining to be completed and the time frame for doing so. The work should be completed as soon as possible, but not later than the mid-point of the following grading period/semester unless special written approval is granted by the Course Director and Program Director for extraordinary circumstances. The student must petition the Course Director and the Program Director for such an extension at least two weeks before the end of the agreed upon deadline. Unless an extension has been approved by the Course Director and the Program Director, the “I” will convert to either an “F” or the grade as specified in the written agreement after the mid-point of the semester. An “I” grade may not be changed to a “W” under any circumstances.


A student can withdraw from a course up until the mid-point of the grading period/semester and receive a W grade. Withdrawal after the midterm is not permitted without special approval by the Program Director. However, in the event of an illness or severe hardship beyond the student’s control, the student should submit a written petition for permission to withdraw from the course to the instructor and Program Director no later than the last day of classes. If permission is granted by the Program Director, a grade of W is recorded. If permission is not granted, then the student cannot withdraw from the class. A student who stops attending classes without withdrawing is assigned a WF grade unless the student’s performance was failing, in which case a grade of F will be assigned.

Progress Review

Regular assessment of students and feedback to them is essential to effective teaching and learning. All possible effort should be extended to identify students whose performance is unsatisfactory and to establish a remedial intervention plan. Course instructors and Program Directors will regularly review the academic progress of their designated students and evaluate the overall progress of each student at the conclusion of each grading term and academic year. Each program will establish policies and procedures for completing assessments, communicating results to students, and documenting outcomes. Procedures for addressing performance deficiencies or circumstances that may prohibit students from successfully completing a program are outlined in the Performance Deficiencies and Probation Procedures. Programs may have additional remediation policies and procedures and students should contact the appropriate Program Director for this information. Program Directors shall provide periodic reports to the Dean of the School of Health Professions that summarize student progress issues for their respective programs, and their plans for improvement.

Additional information regarding policies and procedures not listed in this Handbook, including elective, pass/fail, and audit course options and procedures for evaluating, dropping a course, and reporting of grades vary for each program and will be communicated to students at the initiation of their first semester and other times as deemed necessary.

Grade Appeals

Students may appeal a final course grade by submitting a written request to the course instructor within seven days of the grade being issued. The appeal must state in detail the reasons for the appeal and the action the student requests. The course instructor must respond to the student in writing within seven days with a decision. If the issue is not satisfactorily resolved the student may appeal the decision in writing to the Program Director within seven days. The appeal must state in detail the reasons for the appeal and the action the student requests. If no appeal is lodged within seven days, the student’s grievance will be considered resolved. The Program Director must respond to the student in writing within seven days with a decision. If the issue is still not resolved the student may appeal the decision in writing to the Dean of the School of Health Professions within seven days. The appeal must state in detail the reasons for the appeal and the action the student requests. If no appeal is lodged within seven days, the student’s grievance will be considered resolved. The Dean will review all pertinent material and may meet with the student, the Program Director, the faculty member or other persons as necessary. The Dean may constitute an advisory group to assist in this review. The Dean will render a written decision within ten days to the Program Director, the faculty member, and the student. The decision of the Dean is final.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

All students in the EVMS School of Health Professions are expected to attain a term Grade Point Average of at least 3.00 to be considered in good academic standing and a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00 to graduate. Students who do not meet these criteria are subject to formal warnings, probation and/or dismissal, and a requirement for a written remediation plan. Students who receive a warning or are placed on probation must demonstrate sufficient academic progress in the following term, as determined by the Program Director and faculty, to remain in the program. Students on probation who fail to demonstrate academic progress in the following term will be subject to dismissal. The Program Director should consider the extent to which a student is performing at a level necessary to attain the knowledge, skills, and competencies required to succeed in the program, including ability to meet the cumulative GPA and other graduation requirements. All programs must review the academic progress of their students on a regular basis and at such intervals deemed appropriate but not less than once at the end of each grading term.

School of Medicine - Assessment & Grading Policy

M1 Grading Scale

Final module grades will be determined by the percent of earned points with the following percent ranges:

  • Pass 70-100%
  • Fail 69% or below

Any rounding that occurs when calculating the final percentage will be done via Excel.

M2 Grading Scale

Final module grades will be determined by the percent of earned points with the following percent ranges:

  • Honors 92-100%
  • High Pass 85-91%
  • Pass 70-84%
  • Fail 69% or below

Any rounding that occurs when calculating the final percentage will be done via Excel.

Student Promotions through M1 & M2 Modules

In order to promote out of a module, students must earn an average of ≥70% of the overall module points. In addition, students must demonstrate minimum proficiency on each of the components of the grading system by achievement of the following:

  • ≥68% of Medical Knowledge points
  • ≥70% of Comprehensive points
  • ≥80% of any Clinical Skills Assessment
  • Pass Ultrasound activities

M1 & M2 Retest Policy

A student is recommended to retest any Medical Knowledge written summative exam on which they score <68%. The following number of retests is allowed per semester:

  • M1 Fall semester = unlimited
  • M1 Spring semester= 2 retests maximum
  • M2 Fall semester = 2 retests maximum
  • M2 Spring semester = 1 retest maximum

Prior to the Medical Knowledge retest, the student must meet with the module director to discuss preparation for the retest and to understand the grade implications of not retesting.

If a passing score of the Medical Knowledge retest is obtained (≥68%), 68% will be recorded as the student’s grade for the exam. If the retest score is <68%, the highest earned score will be recorded.

A student is required to retest any Clinical Skills Assessment if they score <80%. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the Clinical Skills Director and the Clinical Skills Curriculum Manager within 3 days of receiving their score to schedule a time to participate in review of and additional practice for the retest in order to demonstrate competency.

M1 & M2 Remediation Policy

If a student is permitted to remediate a failed module by the Student Progress Committee (SPC), the following remediation plans will be implemented:

Module grade failure

  • This plan is implemented if a student does not earn either 70% of the overall module points or 68% of the Medical Knowledge points.
    • For the remediation, the student will complete all module quizzes (comprehensive and formative) and a comprehensive NBME exam.
    • The student must earn an average of ≥80% for all the quizzes and ≥68% on the comprehensive NBME exam for successful remediation.
  • Comprehensive grade failure
    • This plan is implemented if a student does not earn 80% of the Comprehensive points.
    • For the remediation, the student will (1) complete all missed comprehensive activities/session(s) and mandatory sessions, and (2) create a set number of novel multiple-choice questions (with feedback for each answer choice) and minicases (with answer key for each session) for the module.
    • If deemed necessary, the student may also receive professionalism mentoring with the Director of Medical Learner Remediation.
    • The student must complete all assignments to the module director(s)’ satisfaction by a specified deadline for successful remediation.

M3 & M4 Assessment & Grading Policies M3 Grading

The M3 grading system include the following domains:

  • Medical Knowledge, comprised of a multiple-choice NBME subject exam. This component of the grading system is intended to both assess student’s basic knowledge and prepare them for the USMLE Step 2 CK examination.
  • Clinical Performance, comprised of clinical evaluations by faculty and residents.
  • Other assignments and experiences, such as simulated patient encounters, clinical documentation, oral presentations, etc.
  • Professionalism (See Professionalism Policy in MD Student Handbook)

Clerkship directors communicate regularly during the clerkship with the appropriate faculty and residents at each site to:

  • Discuss student progress.
  • Document the progress of each student.
  • Identify problem areas.
  • Plan supplementary strategies, if necessary.
  • Assess the effectiveness of supplementation.
  • Ensure active student participation in the above process.

Each clerkship director will provide a mid-clerkship assessment to the student and to Medical Education that documents student performance and enumerates any improvements necessary to achieve satisfactory performance by the end of the clerkship. If the clinical performance is identified as in need of remediation, the student will be referred to the Student Review and Advisory Committee for assistance with improving clinical performance.

M3 Grading Scale

A four-tiered grading system is used (i.e., Honors, High Pass, Pass, and Fail). Final clerkship grades determined based on the performance of the student in each domain by required achievement of the following minimum scores for 4/4 domains:


  • Medical Knowledge ≥78%
  • Clinical Evaluation ≥85.5%
  • Competency Assessments≥85.5%
  • Professionalism-No lost points*

High Pass

  • Medical Knowledge ≥70%
  • Clinical Evaluation ≥79.5%
  • Competency Assessments ≥79.5%
  • Professionalism-No lost points*


  • Medical Knowledge ≥60%
  • Clinical Evaluation ≥69.5%
  • Competency Assessments≥69.5%
  • Professionalism-1 lost point*


  • Medical Knowledge ≤59%
  • Clinical Evaluation ≤69.4%
  • Competency Assessments≤69.4%
  • Professionalism-≥2 lost points*

*After the opportunity to remediate 1 point

Any rounding that occurs when calculating the final percentage will be done via Excel.

Student Promotions through M3 Clerkships

In order to promote out of a clerkship, students must demonstrate minimum proficiency of each of the domains of the grading system by achievement of the following:

  • Medical Knowledge ≥60%
  • Clinical Evaluation ≥69.5%
  • Other-Competency Assessments≥69.5%
  • Professionalism-1 lost point*

M3 Retest Policy

If a student scores <60% on a NBME subject exam, they will be required to retest and to meet with the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs. The student will retake the exam at a time determined with the Vice Dean. If a passing score of the Medical Knowledge retest is obtained (≥60%), the highest possible final grade for the clerkship is Pass (regardless of the actual new exam score). If a student does not pass the retest, they will receive a Fail for the clerkship. Students who fail two or more NBME subject examinations will be referred to the Student Review and Advisory Committee (SRAC).

M3 Remediation Policy

If a student is permitted to remediate a failed clerkship by the Student Progress Committee (SPC), the student will be required to repeat part or all of the clerkship.

M4 Grading & Promotions Policy

A four-tiered grading system is used (i.e., Honors, High Pass, Pass, and Fail). Each elective course director determines what assessments are required for grading. Student must pass 32 weeks of elective rotations to promote through the M4 year (see M4 Electives Catalog for further details).