Jan 25, 2025
MPA 5745 - Supervised Clinical Practice: General Surgery 3 Credit Hours The supervised clinical practice experience in Surgery is designed to prepare a student to function in an ambulatory or inpatient setting in a role appropriate to a physician assistant (PA) practicing in surgery. [Standard B3.04]. Each student will experience patient encounters that are essential in preparation for entry into practice. Students will be able to evaluate/assess patients involving one or more of the following types of encounters: preventative, emergent, acute, or chronic. [Standard B3.02]. Each student will be given the opportunity to apply knowledge and skills learned in the didactic program as s/he is exposed to patients seeking medical care across the life span, including infants, children, adolescents, adults, and elderly [Standard B3.03]. The student will encounter patients seeking care for conditions requiring surgical management [Standard B3.03].
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