Oct 13, 2024
PHY 400 - Studies on Hormone Production by the Fetal-Placental Unit During Pregnancy This laboratory studies the role of estrogen on fetal placental development and impact of alterations in the maternal/fetal hormonal milieu as well as endocrine disruptors that mimic estrogen action (e.g. bisphenol) on placental and fetal development, maternal well-being, fetal programming, pregnancy outcome and risk for development of disease in adulthood. Studies show that estrogen regulates placental cellular invasion of the maternal uterine spiral arteries in early pregnancy a process that is essential for appropriate utero-placental blood flow and which when defective leads to development of maternal hypertension and preeclampsia as well as compromise fetal growth leading to IUGR. Studies also show that estrogen in the second half of gestation regulates placental catabolism of maternal stress hormones (e.g. cortisol) and programs fetal organ/metabolic systems important for insulin action and thus prevention of insulin resistance (e.g. diabetes) in adulthood. The student will be expected to choose one or more of these or other clinical complications of human pregnancy (e.g. preeclampsia, IUGR; gestational diabetes, prematurity; placenta accreta), summarize the etiology, clinical manifestations etc. and via library search and interaction/discussion with Dr. Pepe to summarize and integrate the relevant basic science research being performed to elucidate cause, improve treatment and enhance fetal-maternal well-being and pregnancy outcome.
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